Tuesday, August 30, 2011

stepping back Proof Products - Marketing Luxuries Vs Essentials - Read This For a Laugh Or Maybe Not?

Market Saturation: There are 100's and 1000's of new vitamins, Juices, lotions and potions all touting a miracle story and a ground floor business opportunity. Do customers nothing else but believe the claims? Are they willing to part with their hard earned dollars and buy an additional one "me too" product? Do your customers think your goods a luxury item? When finances are tight, what kind of products endure? Are there everyday, staple products that people have to buy no matter what the cheaper is doing? Yes, but that's still not enough to get someone's attention. It still has to be a great mouse-trap so to speak. Don't worry, I am not talking about Soap, laundry detergent, and toothpaste! If you are willing to read on, you may chuckle a bit, but the shop inherent will get your marketing wheels spinning.

I've been in the Direct Sales and Network Marketing commerce for many years. I've been very thriving with marketing a very unique glyconutrient involved for over 15 years. Needless to say, I was not finding for an additional one business but I was intrigued by this condition technology that has been integrated into an everyday, staple goods that millions of women world-wide have to use at least once a month. Have you guessed what it is? That's right, Female hygienic Napkins.

Disposable Mouse Traps

I had to Laugh: A friend of mine called me and told me about a business that has successfully launched and sold millions of Female hygienic Napkins over the last 11 months. My first response was to laugh. "You got to be kidding, I said., It's humiliating enough when my wife asks me to go the grocery store and pick up some "things" for her." That's what my wife and I call them, "things." So I venture out into the night and pick up a box of things along with of other stuff I don't need in order to hide her things in the cart!

stepping back Proof Products - Marketing Luxuries Vs Essentials - Read This For a Laugh Or Maybe Not?

Here's the Thing: I started to think about these things and realized from a marketing perspective, it's sheer brilliance. I have Five Criteria that are foremost to me when evaluating a goods or occasion for the Network Marketing industry. They are as follows:

1. Is it Emotional? My first emotional response was to laugh. But as a goods category, try to take it away and watch the response. With all the concerns about the condition issues relating to feminine hygiene this continues to be an very emotional issue. Women are implicated about their condition and finding for solutions for themselves and their children.

2. Is it Unique? If unique and rights is your only selling point that's not good enough. Cost is always a factor no matter how good it is. But if it's Unique, rights and a necessary staple that is similar in cost, that's huge! This goods is unique because the absorption is amazing, not to mention a rights Ion Strip that provides a clarification for odor and germs. What a great idea not to mention the life-changing condition results. The testimonies are incredible.

3. Is it Consumable? If it's not consumable, you don't have repeat sales, and you're out of business. Women have to buy this product, world-wide each and every month whether they want to or not. No luxury here.

4. Is it Stable? I doubt that the hygienic Napkin shop is going to cease to exist any time soon. It's a stable, traditional, staple goods that will continue to be used long after we are all gone.

5. Is it Timely? It's not like Women's hygienic Napkins are a timely goods -- hygienic napkins have been nearby for years. The inquire is this; From a Marketing perspective, if the napkins are classic and the business is just launching in the United States, is it timely? Is it timely, that a goods that deals with the emotional issues of woman's condition is now available? Both are true. With over 0 million sold world-wide in other countries, it's proof that the timing for the Usa, Canadian, and Australian markets could not be better.

The Me Too Blues: The Network Marketing commerce is saturated with "me too" products and over hyped sales pitches like "ground floor" opportunity. Only when a business can rise above the competition is it ground floor. In other words, you can't have ten companies starting up with the same goods and call it "ground-floor.

When push comes to shove, when money is tight while a recession, consumers drop what they think "luxury" products. There's more month than money, and in many cases nutritional supplements, skin care products, gadgets and gizmos that are not staple products or nothing else but necessary take a back seat. I'd rather be selling products that people nothing else but have to buy every month, whether they want to or not. This creates a less resistant climate for marketing a goods or a business.

Not a Flashy Business: The business model and goods is not flashy and complex. It is uncomplicated and appeals to busy Moms at home with huge work-loads, demanding children, and house-hold responsibilities. Ask a Mom with three kids to go out and draw circles twice a week after getting beat-up with every-day life! No way. With this product, I believe an average, busy mom or any someone can create a huge network and residual income while working at home or sitting at Play Land at the Mall!

Baby, Baby Boom: If you are not convinced that marketing woman's hygienic products is your cup of tea, how about baby and adult diapers, a 20 billion dollar shop world-wide. These products will be released later this year both with rights ion technology. The combined markets of disposable diaper and hygienic napkins recite nothing else but billion by 2010 with one business controlling 70% of the market.

With all that said, I am not actively promoting these products and business any longer. I am working with on a business launch that involves Talk Radio Network with way to 30 million monthly listeners and a cutting edge Nutragenomic product. Some lucky early adopters and savvy marketers are going love this.

stepping back Proof Products - Marketing Luxuries Vs Essentials - Read This For a Laugh Or Maybe Not?

Thanks To : Natural Gas Grills Fleece Sleeping Bag Liner vibram five fingers shoes Annabel Popsicle Mold

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